Schrotenboer Tax & Accounting has been expertly filing tax returns for 13 years. We take great pride in providing top-notch service and advice for our tax clients.
Benefits of having Schrotenboer Tax & Accounting prepare your tax returns:
-You can rest assured that your taxes were done correctly by a trained professional
-Unlike some other tax offices we are here year round to answer all your tax concerns.
-The same person will prepare your taxes year after year so they become familiar with your particular needs.
-Virtually all returns are filed electronically so your return is processed within a few days.
-Schrotenboer Tax & Accounting provides expert advice on tax strategies, how to minimize your tax liability and best uses for your money. We provide all this as a courtesy while you have your taxes done.
If you would like to set up an appointment or have questions about having us complete your tax returns please contact us.